I am happy and sad this week as journalist Jennifer Bennett moves on from Sydney local paper the Wentworth Courier to the Campus Review. Happy because she’s a friend with a new gig and she’ll now be employed reporting on my sector. Sad because it brings to an end one of my favourite examples of …
(I’ve been asked to speak about social media and academic careers to the Pre-Fix event at the CSAA conference. In the post that follows I’ve chosen to speak almost exclusively about Twitter, for various reasons, not least I think because my presence on Twitter is the reason the organisers asked me. But in comments and …
I have just come to the end of my field work for the incivility project I mentioned in the last post. This research has been self-funded – that is, I received no money from outside sources, and I paid all of the project’s expenses with my own salary. It hasn’t been desk research, either. I’ve …
Pleading/lazyweb post – does anyone know where to sign up for the Australian Newspaper History Group email newsletter? All the emails I can find by Googling bounce back. I’d be most grateful if someone could let me know.
Caroline Overington today wrote on rumours that Meanjin will be going online only (She’s agreeing with Peter Craven’s view that if Meanjin goes online only it will “cease effectively to exist”): Craven doesn’t mean that it won’t find an audience, and will sink like a stone in the swamp that is the web – although …